Vital Prayers: The Heartbeat of a Peaceful Soul

Have you ever had a day where the weight of the world seemed to be on your shoulders? The feeling of hopelessness just settles in, and you’re not sure how you’ll make it through the day. I’m here to tell you that prayer makes all the difference in those moments. While answers may not come immediately, there is a sense of peace that floods the soul.

The Importance of Daily Communication with God

As far along as I am in my journey with the Lord, I still have those moments of wanting to escape my problems. Yet, that’s not how God has equipped us to live. When I say that God is my everything, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Without Him, I know I wouldn’t make it through each day. That’s why daily communication with Him is so vital.

Jesus’ Example of Prayer

Jesus showed us how to pray. I recently wrote a post about it titled “When You Pray, Just Speak!” It really is that simple. But today, I want to take it a step further.

Recently, I was reading Scripture, and this verse jumped off the page:

“And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed.” Mark 1:35, KJV

I’m a firm believer that we should pray every day. I understand that life happens, and we get swept into circumstances beyond our control. In those moments, we must make the best of our prayer time, even if it means having little ones around who don’t yet understand that mom or dad needs a moment to pray. But we have to MAKE the time!

The Power of Early Morning Prayer

In this passage from Mark, the author highlights that Jesus rose very early in the morning to pray. Three years ago, I realized that my day was slipping away without finding a moment for prayer. My youngest child required much of my time, and I often ended the day exhausted with no time left for God. So, I determined to change things.

I began rising at 4:30 every morning, spending my first hour in prayer and devotion. It was hard. I was tired, but the relief I felt in dealing with my children and the school children was worth every effort. That extra time in the morning with the Lord gave me the peace and patience I needed throughout the day.

Finding Solitude in Prayer

The last part of the Scripture points out that Jesus went to a solitary place to pray, away from the noise and distractions.

“And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.” Matthew 14:23, KJV

Again, we see that Jesus took time to be alone in prayer. Corporate prayer in our churches is important, as it builds unity, which is the cornerstone of a strong church. But Jesus also set an example of praying alone. There’s something special about praying alone—you can say anything without worrying about who’s listening. You can even make mistakes and sound silly, but God doesn’t care. He just cares that you took time to be with Him.

Why Rising Early Works for Me

I won’t criticize if you save your prayer time for the evening. I’m just sharing what has worked for me. Rising early before everyone else gives me the chance to spend one-on-one time with my Creator before facing the day’s challenges. After this time of prayer, I can handle even the hardest circumstances with a level head. I also tend to hear God’s voice throughout the day, leading me to help others in need.

Jesus Didn’t Let Distractions Stop Him

“And when it was day, he departed and went into a desert place: and the people sought him, and came unto him, and stayed him, that he should not depart from them.” Luke 4:42, KJV

Here, we find Jesus again going into a desert place—likely to pray. People sought Him out, wanting to keep Him close. Jesus knew how vital prayer was and that His purpose was to teach and preach the Kingdom of God. He didn’t allow distractions to keep Him from His mission, and neither should you.

There has to be a determination to maintain a prayer life. Distractions will come—the enemy doesn’t want you to pray because it brings you closer to God and further from him. If your weakness is finding a place to pray alone, the enemy will do everything he can to keep you busy with the cares of this life.

Standing in the Gap for Others

In Matthew 26:36–45, we see Jesus at an hour of desperation. He was in Gethsemane, sharing with Peter and the two sons of Zebedee that His heart was heavy. He wanted them to watch and pray with Him, but while Jesus prayed alone, they fell asleep—repeatedly. When He needed them most, they weren’t there.

I don’t want to be that way when God needs me. I also want to stand in the gap when others are in need. If someone calls me in the middle of the night needing prayer, I don’t want to fall back asleep. When God places someone on my heart, I don’t want to continue on with my day without taking a moment to pray for them. Our prayers make all the difference.

The Challenge: Set a Specific Prayer Time

I challenge you to set a specific time for prayer. I highly recommend giving God your first fruits every morning. It’s not easy, and it takes effort, but I challenge you to try it for a week. You’ll be tired and have to fight for the time, but watch how your attitude changes. Watch as you begin to sense the Lord’s presence throughout the day. Watch as God leads you to others in need.

That’s what happens when you consistently pray!

Remember, I’m always praying for you, even if I don’t know who you are!

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