Writer’s Block? I Think Not!

The time has come for me to write a new blog post, and my brain is blank! Once again, I find myself wondering if I am having the dreaded “writer’s block.” I have thoughts. I have ideas. However, trying to put them on paper is a completely different story. 

Research tells me that writing a blog post should be more instructional than personal. Yet, every time I write a post, I find myself leaning into the personal. I guess I’m just wired differently than most bloggers.  Maybe I should go back and read my own post on “Keeping Up With the Jones'”.

Last week, I was feeling slightly overwhelmed with trying to get Makin’ Macon’s social media up and running and still trying to maintain posts for the blog. There were nights I didn’t go to bed until the wee hours of the morning because I was determined to get myself a week ahead of schedule. For those of you who do not know me personally, I AM NOT A PROCRASTINATOR! I am definitely the complete opposite. Waiting until the last minute to do something stresses me out. 

Yet, I married a procrastinator! God sure does have a sense of humor. 

During my late nights and lots of research, I realized that I’m looking at this all wrong. I am doing what I personally can do. Everyone knows that when you have a business, you have to work from all the right angles if you want it to succeed. That’s exactly what I was doing. The endless amounts of research had my brain spinning so fast that I could not slow down. I would go to bed and lay there wide awake, even though I was exhausted, because my brain would not shut down. 

I literally felt like everything I have done in the past wasn’t even making a dent in the blogging world or in the lives of others. 

That is where I was so wrong! 

See, the point of Makin’ Macon isn’t for me. It isn’t for financial gain (which I wouldn’t pass up if it decided to happen; I mean, I am alive, breathing, and have a family to care for). This blog was created to be a source of encouragement for everyone around the world. My goal is and always will be for God to use me through this venue to touch someone’s heart, whether I find out about it or not. 

While writing this, my mind keeps going to the time period between the Old and New Testaments called the “Silent Years” or “Intertestamental Period.” History refers to this period as 400 years of silence from God. 

400 years?! Talk about writer’s block! 

There are so many theories as to why God was silent. However, I think He was tired of all of the complaining. In Malachi 3, the people couldn’t even see where they were going wrong. Yet, during all of the silence, there were still those who continued to believe that every prophecy that had not been fulfilled to that point would still come to pass. They told their children, and their children told their children. They kept telling of the coming of the Messiah. One man, Simeon, in Luke 2:25-27, was told by the Holy Ghost that he would not see death before he had seen Christ! I can see him scribbling down his thoughts, determined to make sure the prophecies of old were never forgotten. 

Writer’s block? I think not! 

God had a plan. One He would reveal when the time was just right. This is the same for you and me. We may not understand why we are going through the things that we are, but God has a plan. We may wonder why we cannot hear the voice of the Lord when times are tough, but we have to remember that God has a plan. 

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8, King James Version. 

I do not understand the mind of God, nor should I. I just have to trust that He has everything under control and isn’t experiencing writer’s block when it comes to writing the next chapter in my life. This trust isn’t easy! It requires some things from me. 

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11–13, KJV. 

See, God has an expected end. Meaning, He has a plan just for you. However, there is a caveat to this Scripture: “…when ye shall search for me with your heart.” You have to search for Him. You cannot have a casual acquaintance with the Savior. I’ve said it before and I will say it again: if I don’t communicate with my spouse on a daily basis and let him know how much I love and appreciate him, then our relationship will fizzle and die out. It is the same with God. He loves you and wants you to live with Him forever in heaven. However, He will not force a relationship with you. He wants you to search for Him willingly. 

I truly hope this has touched your heart in some way today. It feels good to finish this without that dreaded feeling of “writer’s block.” I guess I just needed to shift my focus back to God and allow Him to speak through me instead of totally relying on research. 

I would love to hear from you in the comments below on how Makin’ Macon has helped you. I always read every comment and do my best to respond. 

Remember, I am always praying for you, even if I don’t know who you are!!!  

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4 thoughts on “Writer’s Block? I Think Not!”

  1. I love the verse in Jeremiah, it’s one of my favorites 🩷 You’re doing a great job, Susan, with this blog and the job of being pastors wife, and raising a family. I know the Lord will bless you 😇

  2. Priscilla Martin

    Susan I enjoy reading your words

    I’m encouraged by them and can tell you put thoughts and time into each writing Keep up the good work😍

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. It truly means a lot! All I desire is to allow the Lord to use me to help encourage others. 🙂

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