The Creation of Makin’ Macon: Encouragement in Chaos

Have you ever felt like life was a whirlwind, where each day blends into the next with barely a moment to catch your breath? Imagine navigating through a storm, searching for a lighthouse to guide you to safety. This blog, Makin’ Macon, is designed to be that lighthouse.

In 2023, God placed a burden on my heart for other Pastor’s wives. Having been raised in a Pastor’s home, I saw firsthand the toll it took on my mother, and now I am experiencing it myself. Despite the challenges, we love our church family deeply and would do it all over again. But something inside me wanted to reach out to others around the world and offer them a bit of encouragement during their times of chaos.

I racked my brain trying to figure out the best way to help others. I wanted my message of encouragement to reach beyond my small circle of friends. My husband and I talked about it extensively. I prayed and asked God to show me the best way to approach what I was feeling. That’s when the idea to start a blog was born.

I spoke with a few close ladies and asked for their opinions and prayers. The responses were full of encouragement to move forward.

Why “Makin’ Macon”?

“Makin’ Macon” is more than just a clever play on words; it’s a tribute to a cherished legacy. The name comes from the farm my grandfather built for my grandmother. Some of my earliest memories are of helping him hammer nails as he, a skilled carpenter, crafted beautiful woodwork. This home, passed down to me, represents our ongoing journey of creating a sanctuary for our family amidst the chaos of life.

Trust me, there are days when I get very frustrated at not being able to do all the things I feel need to be done in this home. From repairs, endless loads of laundry, house cleaning, and keeping up with the everyday activities of being part of a Pastor’s family, life can be extremely hectic. It’s in those moments that I try to find laughter and joy to help me make it through.

The Purpose: Encouragement in Chaos

Let’s face it…we all have moments of chaos. Times when it feels like we will never make it through whatever we are facing. Each time chaos happens, we find ourselves dealing with anxiety and stress.

Now, you may be one of those who can make it through any situation without batting an eye. You might never lose your temper with your spouse or children. If so, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, tell me your secret! Because I know that I am human and when chaos hits, sometimes I don’t respond well.

Throughout my blog, I try to provide tools to help you along the way. I want you to understand that YOU ARE NOT ALONE on this journey. I also strive to fill your days with a little bit of laughter. Believe it or not, laughter truly is the best medicine (I even wrote a whole post about it!).

Our Journey

Balancing the demands of daily life while pastoring a church full-time often feels like a whirlwind. Yet, it’s within this chaos that we find moments of profound encouragement. Starting this blog is a personal journey for me. I’ve faced my own storms and discovered that the most powerful tool we have is encouragement. Whether it’s a kind word, a shared story, or practical advice, the support we offer each other can transform our lives. Through Makin’ Macon, I aim to share my experiences and lessons learned, and perhaps bring out a little bit of hilarity.

Here at the Makin’ Macon family, we are really very normal. Everything we do here or on our social media pages is to bring you encouragement and laughter. Our ways may be a little unorthodox, but all we care about is making you smile.

I pray that you continue with me on this journey throughout the year. If you would like more encouragement than what you may get here on the blog, be sure to sign up for the email list and follow us on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram.

Join me on this journey. Let’s make Macon – and our lives – a little brighter together.

Remember, I’m always praying for you, even if I don’t know who you are!

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