Stress Be-Gone: Finding Calm in the Chaos of Ministry

As we wrap up our Ministry Matters series, I want to share something that has been a lifeline for me in the middle of the beautiful chaos of ministry. Let’s be real—ministry (and life) can be overwhelming! Whether you’re balancing Sunday school lessons, family meals, or that never-ending to-do list, we all need a little peace from time to time. Less stress is key!

In the spirit of finding calm amidst the craziness, I created a special essential oil blend called Stress Be-Gone. It’s a diffuser blend designed to help you unwind when life feels like a whirlwind. If you’re anything like me, you could probably use a little calm at the end of a long day!

But before I dive into the blend, let’s ground ourselves in the Word:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." – Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

This verse has been a sweet reminder to me that even when we’re doing all the things, we don’t have to do them in our own strength. When we take time to rest and recharge, we are more able to serve from a place of peace. That’s where this Stress Be-Gone blend comes in!

The Stress Be-Gone Blend

This blend features some of my go-to oils for stress relief and relaxation:

  • Lavender – The ultimate relaxer! Calms the mind and body, helping to ease tension.
  • Bergamot – A citrusy, mood booster that lightens your spirit.
  • Frankincense – Grounds you in spiritual reflection (and makes you feel fancy).
  • Ylang Ylang – Sweet and floral, this oil helps bring a little peace when things get hectic.
  • Cedarwood – A warm, grounding scent that reminds you to stay rooted, even when everything’s swirling around you.

How to Use the Blend in Your Diffuser:

  1. Add the oils: Combine 5 drops of Lavender, 4 drops of Bergamot, 3 drops of Frankincense, 2 drops of Ylang Ylang, and 2 drops of Cedarwood into your diffuser.
  2. Turn it on: Let the blend do its thing while you take a deep breath (or ten).
  3. Let the peace in: Whether you’re prepping for Sunday or just recovering from a busy day, let the soothing aroma fill your space and bring you back to center.

Trust me, it’s like a mini-vacation for your mind—no passport required!

Closing Thoughts on Ministry Matters

As we close out this Ministry Matters series, I just want to remind you that it’s okay to feel a little stressed sometimes. Ministry is a high calling, and with that comes real responsibility. But it’s also a journey filled with grace and renewal, even when it’s a bit chaotic.

So if you’re feeling a bit worn out, take a moment to pause, breathe, and reset. God’s got you, and He’s given us these moments of peace to recharge so we can serve with joy and passion again tomorrow. After all, no one can pour from an empty cup (or an overworked diffuser!).

Thanks for journeying with me through this series—I’m so grateful for this community and the chance to encourage one another.

Want more essential oil blends like this one? Be sure to sign up for my email list at the bottom of this page! You’ll get my latest essential oil recipes, tips, and blends delivered straight to your inbox before they even hit the blog. Don’t miss out on the chance to relax and recharge with these stress-relieving blends!

Looking for more Essential Oil Blends on the blog? Click Here!

Stress Be-Gone Diffuser Blend


Please note: I am not a medical professional. The information shared in this post is based on personal experience and research. Always consult with a healthcare provider before using essential oils, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or using them with children. Use essential oils as directed and dilute them properly.

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