Discover boundless joy with Makin’ Macon – your uplifting guide through life’s chaos!  Dive into the realms of marriage, family, homemaking, and ministry, where encouragement reigns supreme.  Navigate challenges with a smile, finding inspiration in every moment.  Join our community, and let Makin’ Macon be your source of positivity and resilience.

Embrace the journey, embrace the joy!

Support Makin’ Macon – Get 15 Frugal Family Meal Plans!

Welcome to our collection of frugal family meal plans! These meals are designed to save you money and provide delicious home-cooked food for your family. Each plan includes a main dish and sides with preparation instructions to make your Sunday lunch stress-free.

Special thanks to a dedicated member of our church for sharing these valuable recipes with me. Her commitment to family and frugality inspired this collection.

Enter any amount to support Makin’ Macon and receive your meal plans!

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
- John 16:33 ESV

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The Creation of Makin' Macon: Encouragement in Chaos
Have you ever felt like life was a whirlwind, where each day blends into the next with barely a moment to catch your breath? Imagine navigating through a storm, searching for a lighthouse...
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The Struggle With Patience
I want to start this post off with a question, one in which I hope the answer you give will be honest. 😉 Do you struggle with patience? Or are you one of those who simply go with the...
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No-Knead Rustic Bread
In a world filled with chaos, confusion, and the occasional burnt toast, one unlikely hero emerges – the No-Knead Rustic Bread! Join me as we travel through an imaginative hilariously...
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The Challenge of Trust
I’m going to start this post off with a question.  One in which I think may be difficult for some people.  Who do you have in your life that you can truly trust?  Think...
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Breathe Easier with Bye-Bye Pollen Essential Oil Blend
Embracing Tranquility with Bye-Bye Pollen Blend As we embark on the transitional journey from winter to spring, the winds of change bring not just warmer weather but also the inevitable...
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Love is in the Air
Enchanting February: Dive into Love with Our Exclusive Essential Oil Blend!
Greetings, aroma enthusiasts! As we step into the month of love, I am thrilled to unveil this exclusive February Essential Oil Blend – ‘Love Is in the Air.’ This enchanting...
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Want to know more about me?  I am here to help strengthen and encourage you on your journey in marriage, family, homemaking, and ministry.