Discover boundless joy with Makin’ Macon – your uplifting guide through life’s chaos!  Dive into the realms of marriage, family, homemaking, and ministry, where encouragement reigns supreme.  Navigate challenges with a smile, finding inspiration in every moment.  Join our community, and let Makin’ Macon be your source of positivity and resilience.

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Support Makin’ Macon – Get 15 Frugal Family Meal Plans!

Welcome to our collection of frugal family meal plans! These meals are designed to save you money and provide delicious home-cooked food for your family. Each plan includes a main dish and sides with preparation instructions to make your Sunday lunch stress-free.

Special thanks to a dedicated member of our church for sharing these valuable recipes with me. Her commitment to family and frugality inspired this collection.

Enter any amount to support Makin’ Macon and receive your meal plans!

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
- John 16:33 ESV

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Crustless Garlic Chicken Pizza
It is a normal, chaotic Wednesday in the Raynor household.  It’s a church night; the kids need to get baths; the hubs and I both need showers; and everyone would have to be fed.  Thankfully,...
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Your Choice of Buns or Rolls
This is life!  I had steaks laid out, thinking it was only going to be my husband, my son, and myself.  I was wrong.  I ended up with an extra kid and my daughter. ...
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Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls
Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls
Can you believe that I do not have a single picture of these delicious sourdough cinnamon rolls on a plate? I have tried to get a photo on a plate, but before I can, everyone is digging...
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coffee and cake, pastries, nut snail-1596189.jpg
You've Got A Friend In Me
Coffee and fresh sourdough cinnamon rolls.  Doesn’t that sound delicious?  Oh, it was!  What made it even better was that I was able to share it with a friend. ...
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Quick Pizza Dough
Ack! I have been so busy that I didn’t lay out a single thing for dinner and haven’t been to the grocery store in a week. The kids are hungry, and my husband will be home soon. ...
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Simple HomeMade Waffles
“Ugh!  It’s going to be a busy day, and I’ve not prepared a single thing ahead of time.  Oh, well.  I can just stop and grab them something on the way.” This...
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Want to know more about me?  I am here to help strengthen and encourage you on your journey in marriage, family, homemaking, and ministry.