Momma’s Chocolate Gravy: A Southern Breakfast Classic
Okay, okay. I am finally posting this here. I kept going back and forth with myself as to when I would post it, or if I would even post it. Most of my southern friends already make this, but I know some of my friends from other areas have been wanting this recipe. So I wen to my momma and got her approval to share her recipe. I figured she deserved the title, “Momma’s Chocolate Gravy”.
The Story Behind Momma’s Chocolate Gravy
A couple of weekends ago, we had the privilege of fixing breakfast for an evangelist and his family. My husband loves to make sure that ministry is always taken care of. So, we had all of the fixin’s. Homemade sourdough biscuits, fresh eggs from a great couple in our church, sausage gravy, chocolate gravy, fried potatoes, my homemade waffle recipe, bacon, fruit, and pork tenderloin. Of course, there was homemade jam for those biscuits as well.
Anywho, as they were going on and on about the chocolate gravy, I thought I might as well take the time and post the recipe.
Here’s the thing: There really is no recipe.
I titled this “Momma’s Chocolate Gravy” because it literally is my mother’s chocolate gravy. I can remember calling her while we lived in Texas for the recipe, and she said, “Well, I don’t have a recipe.” I almost died right there. What do you mean you don’t have a recipe? However, I shouldn’t be surprised because my husband is the same exact way.
Long story short, my mother made the gravy and called me with the best measurements she could come up with, with the exception of the water. All she said was, “Remember, you can always add water, but you can’t add more flour. Adding more flour after you add water will make your gravy have clumps.”
Oh my!
I am a direction-follower. This was literally the hardest thing I had to do. Yet, over time, I ended up getting the hang of it. Now, I will say that when we cooked for the evangelist, my mother just happened to show up, and I asked her to come and check my gravy to make sure it was looking right. I had to double the recipe, and I wasn’t about to perform a mistake on an unsuspecting victim.
Needless to say, it turned out great.
So here we are today, giving you the famous southern chocolate gravy. I am going to tell you a couple of tips for along the way.
Tips for Perfect Chocolate Gravy
- Always add your dry ingredients first! Mix those up really well, and then do a simple taste test to make sure you are adding enough salt. The recipe calls for a pinch. I mean, everyone’s pinch is so different.
- I decreased the amount of sugar in this recipe from 1 cup to ¾ of a cup at the request of my daughter. We don’t do a lot of sugar in our house, and I think that is why she asked for less. I have tried using monk fruit and erythritol, and I don’t think it turns out as well. My mom had success with monk fruit, but she’s my mom. I will keep you updated when I have a moment to try doing it with allulose.
- WATER….slowly add the water. Remember, you can always add more water, but you cannot add more flour. That sentence alone should be on repeat. I measured this last batch that I did, and the water amount seemed pretty accurate. However, don’t rush it. When you add the second half of the water, slowly add it in.
- The consistency of the gravy is completely up to you. Some people like it runny, slightly runny, or thick. The great thing is that it is your choice.
Make Ahead for Convenience

One other thing I want to note is that you can make this recipe ahead of time, with the exception of water, and seal it in an airtight container. I usually triple the batch and put it in a mason jar. I just take out the approximate amount I need to put in the pot and gradually add water. This makes it really simple for my daughter, too. She loves to just eat chocolate gravy and biscuits. She can make this without any help since I already have all of the dry ingredients together. And here is the thing that will shock you the most: neither myself nor my son like chocolate gravy.
Insert a shocked emoji here!
I know, I know! We are weird, according to everyone in the south. I grew up with my mom making it at every breakfast, but I have never liked it. This is why this recipe was created for only two people. My husband and my daughter. You can easily double or triple the recipe. It really is simple math.
A Sweet Note to My Readers
I truly hope you enjoy this recipe. As my husband says, “The beauty of the recipe is the fact that you have to try it to know if you like it because it is so simple.”
Photo courtesy of my daughter’s craving for chocolate gravy.

Momma’s Chocolate Gravy
- 1 medium pot
- 1 ½ tablespoons cocoa powder
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 cup water
- Combine cocoa powder, sugar, flour, and salt. Whisk together until completely combined. Remember, taste to make sure you have added enough salt to keep cocoa from tasting bitter.
- Whisk in 1/2 cup of water to dry mixture. Make sure there are no clumps.
- Heat to medium. Bring ingredients to a simmer while consistently stirring.
- Once it begins to slightly thicken, stir in another cup of water. Continue to stir until you get your preferred consistency.
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