Making Memories: Intentional Quality Time with Your Family

Welcome to the third installment of our Family Matters series! The first two posts were a breeze for me to write—I’m all about saving money and cherishing family dinners. But this post, well, it takes a little more effort. Not because I don’t love spending quality time with my family, but because, as a busy mom and pastor’s wife, carving out that time can sometimes feel like finding a needle in a haystack. That’s why my husband and I have learned the importance of being intentional about it.

Proverbs 22:6 reminds us, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This verse has always been a guiding light in raising our children in the ways of the Lord. But there’s another layer of truth here: children learn by example. If they see Mom and Dad constantly working, cleaning, and rushing through life without taking moments for each other or them, they’re likely to follow that pattern as they grow. Unless, of course, they decide to break the cycle and chart a new course.

So, how can we be intentional about spending quality time with our kids? In our Marriage Matters series, we talked about intentionality with your spouse. Today, let’s focus on the kids and explore some creative ways to bond with them.

One-on-One Adventures: The Power of Individual Attention

In our home, we’ve made it a priority to spend one-on-one time with each of our children. I aim to do this at least once a quarter. I’ll ask my kids what they want to do, and then we plan a special outing or activity. It’s their choice, whether it’s as simple as, “Mom, I want you to play this game with me,” or something more elaborate like a day trip. My husband does the same with the other child, and we both cherish these moments of undivided attention.

S’mores Nights and 4-Wheeler Rides: Simple Joys Under the Stars

One of our favorite family traditions is gathering around the fire pit for s’mores nights. There’s something magical about roasting marshmallows, melting chocolate, and laughing together under the stars. And when we’re not enjoying s’mores, we’re often out riding the 4-wheeler, kicking up dust, and sharing the thrill of adventure. We also love to end the night by using an app that helps us locate the patterns of the stars. It’s a fun and educational way to connect with the beauty of the night sky, and it adds a little extra sparkle to our evenings together.

Family Game Nights: Retro Fun with a Modern Twist

Family game nights are a staple in our home, and we love mixing it up with both classic and retro games. There’s something nostalgic about introducing our kids to the games we played growing up, and it’s always fun to see them get just as excited about them as we did. Whether it’s a heated round of Monopoly or a retro video game battle, these nights are filled with laughter, competition, and bonding.

Movie Nights: Cozy and Relaxed

Our movie nights are a time to unwind and enjoy each other’s company. We may not do themed nights, but we always make sure to choose a film that everyone will enjoy, grab some snacks, and cuddle up on the couch. It’s a simple way to spend time together, and it gives us all a chance to relax and recharge.

Uncommon Family Adventures: Exciting Plans for the Near Future

We’re looking forward to trying out some unique and uncommon family adventures from the book “52 Uncommon Family Adventures” by Randy Southern. These activities are sure to add a fun twist to our usual routine. Some of the adventures we have planned include a Library Scavenger Hunt, where we’ll race to find different books and complete challenges, “I’m Not Myself Now,” where we’ll swap roles and see the world from each other’s perspectives, and “Do it in a Minute,” where we’ll tackle fun challenges in sixty seconds or less. We’re excited to step out of the ordinary and experience these new activities together.

The Importance of Being Present

The key to all of these activities is being present. It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but when we take the time to be fully engaged with our children, it sends a powerful message: they are important, they are loved, and they matter. And in return, we get to enjoy the precious moments that make up the tapestry of family life.

Quality time with your family doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. It’s about being intentional, present, and creative in finding ways to connect. As we continue this Family Matters series, I encourage you to take a moment and think about how you can incorporate more intentional quality time into your family’s routine. Because in the end, it’s these moments that will leave a lasting legacy in your children’s hearts.

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