In The Beginning…

….there was nothing.  Of course there were thoughts of “what am I meant to do” or “what are my goals”, but there were never any thoughts of starting a blog.  Then one day I heard a podcast about starting a blog.  It got my wheels turning.  What if I took everything that I have been learning over the years and started sharing it with others?  What if I could help others see that they aren’t alone on their journey to find their true selves? What if I could encourage others to see their true potential?  That’s a whole lot of “What ifs,” but I decided to take a leap and see if I could make it happen.

So here we are today., the first ever blog for Makin’ Macon!  This post may not seem like much, so feel free to stop reading and move on to something else.  Or if you are one of the grammar police trolling, you will definitely want to move on.  However, if you want to know where this all began, then stick with me and read along.

Years and years ago, in a land not so far away….

I’m just kidding.  We don’t need to go back quite that far.  I’m not ancient, at least not yet. 

As a child, I loved playing outside.  You would not find me in the house very often except to play with my beloved dollhouse, which my grandfather had built.  Staying inside seemed like torture.  I would rather be outside playing in the woods, riding my three-wheeler, or drawing fake houses in the gravel (please tell me that you did the same).  I knew never to go far because if my mother called my name and I didn’t answer right away, then I would be in a heap of trouble.

My mom tried on several occasions to get me involved in cooking growing up, but I just never had any interest.  Fast forward to my husband asking my parents for their permission to marry me.  Most moms would probably ask a lot of questions about the guy who wants to marry their daughter.  My mom was different.  She felt it was her duty to tell my husband that I didn’t know how to cook.  I take no offense; it was definitely the truth.  My wonderful soon-to-be husband shrugged it off and said he could cook for both of us.  He was right, and he stuck to it.  He is an amazing cook, and he has cooked for me and the family for going on 25 years. You know the proverb, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”?  Apparently, he loved me enough that it didn’t matter.  That’s how you know it’s true love.

In 2019, I decided to try Keto.  Most know that it is a completely different way of cooking.  My husband found it daunting and would get very frustrated.  For my very patient husband to get frustrated, I knew that it was serious.  That’s where my journey began, and I decided to learn to cook.  I researched and tried recipe after recipe.  Some worked, and others didn’t.  I started posting on my personal Facebook page the recipes that worked.  I would take some things to our church dinners and family get-togethers.  People began asking me about my recipes.  I branched out and began linking the recipes on my social media pages, and I started a Pinterest page of my tried recipes.

Recently, I began delving into the sourdough world.  I wanted to try not just a low-carb lifestyle but also using clean ingredients.  During this transition, I found that ancient grains were better for you and lower on the glycemic index when used as sourdough.  Once again, I began posting and received lots of responses. That’s when I decided to start a blog and post all of the recipes I have tried and had success with.

Yet, I didn’t want this blog to just be a place for people to get recipe ideas.  I also wanted this to be a place for people to find encouragement in their everyday lives.  A place where people could know there is someone else out there who has been in their shoes.

My prayer is that when you visit my blog, you will be inspired in your life to step out beyond what you believe your potential is.  I pray that you will realize there is hope in the middle of whatever you are going through.  I also hope that you see that if I can learn to cook, then ANYTHING is possible.

“For with God nothing shall be impossible”.  Luke 1:37 KJV

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11 thoughts on “In The Beginning…”

  1. Pingback: Charro Beans – Makin' Macon

  2. I am so proud of you! This is excellent and will help so many; especially those who feel lost in the kitchen!
    When y’all visited Texas we truly enjoyed your mini lessons about sourdough starters and recipes. You did it in such a way that it peaked our interest.
    We look forward to taking this journey with you! May the Lord make it fruitful!

  3. Christina Brown

    I love this so much! When I visited you last summer I just WISHED we could be neighbors!! All of the research, trials and errors has created such ease and confidence in the kitchen. Everything g you have made has been so good and on point. Not only is it all so delicious but you have worked it into a busy life and your able to keep up with it. Something I will definitely try this coming school year. Looking forward to all the posts to come!

  4. So, I’m NOT crazy! I thought you didn’t cook when I met you, but then decided I must have misunderstood and your husband just did the cooking when we were there because he likes to cook! 🤣

    More seriously, I am looking forward to keeping up with your blog. You have already introduced me to Kamut flour and researching that lead me to spelt. 😁 And you have a lovely way with words that draws a reader in.

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