I’m Letting Go

As I sit here to write, my mind is running away with all sorts of things.  I start to go in one direction and then end up in another. My first thought is, “Am I hitting a writer’s block? Do I not have enough content to provide?” 


And that is exactly what I did.  The whole purpose of this blog is to help busy moms and wives in the ministry understand that we don’t have to do it all.  It’s okay if once in awhile, we need to push pause on some things.

I am definitely one who needs to hear that it is okay if I don’t do everything for everyone.

For the last couple of weeks, I haven’t felt well at all.  We have been out of town to conference for a week, preached for a minister friend over that same weekend, and then finally returned home to both my son and me not feeling up to par.  Thankfully, we stayed at Air B&B’s while we were gone, and I was able to keep up with the laundry.  However, upon returning, I still have the duties of a pastor’s wife and worship leader. Try singing soprano while coughing nonstop.

This week, we are preparing for school to start.  Yet, since I teach there, I am trying to get the classroom in order plus making sure all of us get our annual visits to the doctors before school starts.  Needless to say, this week has been busy, and not feeling well on top of that just throws everything off kilter. 

Do I feel like I have accomplished everything I wanted to?  Absolutely not.  It’s a Saturday, and I am just now sitting down to officially write this blog.  My house isn’t as clean as I would like it, my yard needs mowing (we won’t even talk about all of the rain we have been getting), the garden needs to be weeded, the dog needs an appointment with the groomer (I notice because he is sitting right beside me), and I should probably make breakfast (since it is still morning). But I am not worried about it one bit. ***No worries about my family; they are still sleeping.***

I’m learning to let some things go.  Oh, I can still get all up in arms when I come home, and my house is a disaster.  BUT….I’m learning that it is okay if I don’t get to those dishes right away or if the dishwasher gets loaded by someone else in a way that doesn’t utilize the full space efficiently. It really is okay.  I am just grateful that someone else did it.

I’m learning to let some things go and set some personal boundaries in my life.

There are things that I absolutely must do, but there are other things that I can wait to do.  I’m learning what those things are.  I am reevaluating my priorities. 

Yesterday, I lounged all day long.  Seriously!  There were so many things I needed to get done, and this blog was one of them.  I started, but I just could not put my thoughts together.  So, I spent the day relaxing with my family, playing games with my mom and kids when she came over, and spending quality time with my kids later that evening.

The dishes were still there when I went to bed, toys were still in random places, clothes needed to be washed, and my yard and garden still needed tending too.  Don’t judge me. I felt at peace with it.  My kids didn’t even notice.  What they did notice, however, is that mom wasn’t rushing around doing all the things and stopped to take time out for them.  I even made fresh bread and allowed them to eat it before it completely cooled.  Twice! It doesn’t last long here.

My point is this: take time to stop and reevaluate all that you do.  Put things in order of importance. Some things can wait.  Your house doesn’t have to look like Better Homes and Gardens.  You have kids.  You have a life.  Enjoy it!

Your children are only little once, and your spouse needs to be connected to you so you can enjoy the rest of your life together. 

Your phone can wait, and those people you “think” you are connected to on social media aren’t really connections at all.  Your family is. 

Let those who like to text you know that there are times you may not answer right away.  They can always call if there is an emergency. 

If you like lists, make one.  List the things you need to accomplish in order of importance.  And give yourself grace as to when you are able to get those things done.

Remember we talked about the importance of self-care recently in my post, “Oh, Wait!  I Need to do That.”  Make sure that is on your list as well.

Bottom line…

Stop.  Enjoy the little things in life.  I promise you, those dishes will be there tomorrow.

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