I Thank God For You!

It’s the season everyone has set aside to give thanks. I know you are probably like me and think we should give thanks every day of the year. If so, you would be 100% correct! Yet, knowing that this one day is set aside helps us make it a point to let those around us know how thankful we really are. 

We all know the basic history of Thanksgiving. However, I think sometimes we get it a little distorted. I like to go way back to the beginning. I like to look at what caused them to come to America in the first place. They didn’t simply jump on a boat and sail peacefully across the ocean to a land they knew the details of. Their lives weren’t easy. There was a lot of heartache leaving their homeland and coming to America. 

To keep this post short, I want to encourage you to read this post, “Who Were the Pilgrims?” by Plimoth Patuxet Museums. It goes into depth about what all the pilgrims endured before, during, and after their voyage to America. They truly had so much to be thankful for. Thanksgiving for them marked the first harvest, and they celebrated it for three days. 

As we get ready to celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends and family, I want you to look back over this past year and think about all of the ways you have been blessed. Go back and reminisce about those God has placed in your life to bless you at certain times throughout this past year. Make it a point to send a text, write a letter, or send a card if you don’t see them often, letting them know that you are so thankful for God placing them in your life during this season. 

My tribe of Prayer Warriors

Most importantly, though, make sure you look back and thank God for all of those same people He placed in your life. Thank Him for all of the wonderful things He has done for you. God is so faithful. Even in those dark moments, when we feel we are all alone. David said it best in Psalm 23:6:

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.” King James Version. 

I will end this here today by saying, “I Thank God For You!” I am so thankful to each and every one of you who take the time to read my blog. It means the world to me when I see your comments here on the blog or even on my social media pages. Every share of my post, no matter how goofy it may be, means a lot. My prayer is that, in some way, I encourage you in your everyday life. It is a burden that God has given me for the women of today. Life can be tough, but if I can write something that helps you believe you can keep moving forward or put a smile on your face, then I know I am doing the will of the Lord. 

Philippians 1:3-6 states:

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now; being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." King James Version. 

Remember, I am always praying for you. Even those of you I may not personally know, with every post I make, know that I am praying for you. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!! 

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