Embracing Change and Faith

Have you ever felt like your life was a TV series filled with drama? I certainly have! As an English teacher, one of my favorite moments in the classroom was watching students discover how the main character in a story changed over time. These changes didn’t happen by osmosis; they were always sparked by challenges, problems, or crises. While the transformation was often painful, it was also defining, leading to outcomes greater than anyone could have anticipated.

The last several months have been incredibly challenging on a whole new level. Normally, I’d give you a detailed rundown of everything that’s happened, but I’ve learned to shift my focus. Instead of dwelling on the events, I now seek the lessons within them. Here’s what I’ve learned:

Clarity in Crisis

Recently, I asked God for clear guidance on a particular issue, and I wanted the answer to be unmistakable. Boy, did He deliver! The clarity came at a high cost—tears, questioned integrity, and even dissolved friendships. Despite the pain, I was left with a profound understanding: rejection often provides direction. It’s a hard lesson, but I’m grateful for the unmistakable clarity it brought.

Faith in Action

Since becoming a principal—an opportunity that stemmed from my faith-boldness to tell my school superintendent that I was his answer to prayer—my faith has grown immensely. My husband and I now speak over each month, declaring what God will bring to pass by the month’s end. This practice goes beyond mere belief; it’s about calling things into existence with confidence (Rom. 4:17, KJV). Here are three examples:

  1. New Tires: I needed new tires badly. I was believing God for just two, but He moved upon someone in our church to buy me four brand new tires. Purchasing all four at one time was definitely not in our budget for the month.
  2. A Wheel for My Husband: My husband had been driving on a spare tire for too long. I told God we needed it fixed by the end of the month. Sure enough, it happened well before month’s end.
  3. Tax Refund: Our tax return had been delayed for two months. Instead of stressing, I told God we’d receive it by month’s end. We’re getting it this week!

The Power of Speaking Faith

Through these experiences, I’ve learned a few key lessons:

  • Faith Changes Mindsets: When we walk and talk in faith, our mindset shifts from hoping for a backup plan to thanking God because it’s already done.
  • Peace in Uncertainty: As someone who used to need a detailed plan for everything, learning to let go has been life changing. The peace I’ve found from not worrying about the minutiae is indescribable. Whenever doubts crept in, I reminded myself, “All I know is that by the end of the month…” and repeated my affirmations.

Reflecting on Faith

These experiences have shown me that faith is not about treating God like a magic genie. It’s about developing a mindset of gratitude and trust, believing that what we speak in faith will come to pass. Life’s challenges will always be there, just like the drama in a TV series. But how we respond and what we learn from these moments define who we become. Embrace the changes, speak your faith, and watch how your life transforms in ways you never imagined. Before you dismiss this as mere wishful thinking, consider this: Jesus said, “You shall have whatsoever you say” (Mark 11:23). What if He was right?

About the Author:

Dr. Rhonda Simmons currently serves at New Life Apostolic Church in Killeen, TX, under the leadership of Pastor John Brown. By God’s favor, Dr. Simmons served for two years as the State Elder overseeing the Texas District of the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ International Inc (ACJCII). This was a historic assignment because Dr. Simmons was the first ordained woman to ever hold this state-level, executive position in the 110 years of the ACJCII’s existence. 

Originally from Philadelphia, PA, Dr. Simmons has been preaching for over 30 years, with her ministry beginning with preaching on the streets and subways of Philadelphia.  Over the course of years, God has afforded her the opportunity to preach the Gospel across the United States as well as in Mexico and Israel. 

Dr. Simmons obtained her Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership from Liberty University. By profession, she is a retired school principal and looks forward to teaching at the university level soon. Dr. Simmons is also the Founder/CEO of The Simmons Empowerment Foundation Inc. (TSEFI), a nonprofit organization that serves unwed, teen moms. As a Master Certified Professional Coach, she established Dear Future Me: The Coaching Program® that serves at-risk students and helps them improve their college and career readiness. Additionally, Rhonda L. Simmons LLC is Dr. Simmons’ private coaching practice where she supports pastors’ wives and other lady leaders in senior ministry roles who are looking to improve their life balance without compromising their marriages, ministries, or careers.

Her second book, Dear Future Me: The Journey Begins, was published in March 2023. Written as a relatable personal devotion, the book will take you on a journey to helping you better understand yourself, your relationships, and those things that are beyond your control. She also hosts a weekly podcast and YouTube channel, both titled Empowered Heart to Heart. On these platforms, you will find messages of hope, conversations that heal, and interviews that empower.

Above all, the passion that drives Dr. Simmons’ ministry is to touch the hearts and lives of as many people as possible with the Gospel and Love of Jesus Christ by any means necessary. And she has the honor of doing all this with the love of her life, her husband, Brother Jeff Simmons, right by her side every step of the way. Together, they are committed to doing great exploits for God!

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