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But Wait, There’s More!

Apparently, I have set out to kill myself this week.  Yes, I know that sounds very dramatic, and to some people, it will probably seem that way.  However, for me, it feels like I have some deep-seated emotions against myself this week and did everything I could to ruin the week and put myself in…

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As I was waking up this morning, my mind started running. It seemed to be in the process of loading and I began thinking about all of the things that I needed to do today.  School starts for us on Monday, and I am determined to take today to finish getting my house in order. …

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Keeping Up With The Jones’

Have you ever heard of a game called “Meet the Jones’”?  As a kid, my sisters and I learned this game while on the evangelistic field.  The point of the game was to bring in an unsuspecting individual and introduce them to this quirky family called the Jones’.  The setup required two chairs separated by…

I’m Letting Go

I’m Letting Go

As I sit here to write, my mind is running away with all sorts of things.  I start to go in one direction and then end up in another. My first thought is, “Am I hitting a writer’s block? Do I not have enough content to provide?”  STOP! And that is exactly what I did. …

We’re Just Friends

We’re Just Friends

“We’re just friends.” That was both mine and my husband’s response when asked if we were dating.  I don’t think that either of us was ready to admit that we were enjoying each other’s company (at least not enough to say we were “dating”). Let’s go back a few years to high school.  Yes, I…

In The Beginning…

In The Beginning…

….there was nothing.  Of course there were thoughts of “what am I meant to do” or “what are my goals”, but there were never any thoughts of starting a blog.  Then one day I heard a podcast about starting a blog.  It got my wheels turning.  What if I took everything that I have been…