Author: Susan

Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls

Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls

Can you believe that I do not have a single picture of these delicious sourdough cinnamon rolls on a plate? I have tried to get a photo on a plate, but before I can, everyone is digging in. I will say that these are the easiest cinnamon rolls I have ever made, and that says…

Simple HomeMade Waffles

Simple HomeMade Waffles

“Ugh!  It’s going to be a busy day, and I’ve not prepared a single thing ahead of time.  Oh, well.  I can just stop and grab them something simple on the way.” This was us not long ago.  It seemed like we were on the go so much that it was just easier to “stop…

In The Beginning…

In The Beginning…

….there was nothing.  Of course there were thoughts of “what am I meant to do” or “what are my goals”, but there were never any thoughts of starting a blog.  Then one day I heard a podcast about starting a blog.  It got my wheels turning.  What if I took everything that I have been…