A Tangible Miracle 2

Remember my post, “A Tangible Miracle”? If not, I suggest you read it prior to reading this post. It will help you follow along with the story line.

This may not be as long of a post, but it is just as important as the first one.

Following the Lord’s call on our lives, we moved back to Tennessee in 2015. It was so hard leaving all of our friends in Texas, but we knew this was what the Lord desired. The Lord sent a wonderful pastor to take over the work in Texas, and I am happy to say the church there is still growing and going strong.

To be honest, I had no desire to have any more children when we moved here. Back in 2013, another story I will share later, we lost a son at 21 weeks. It was one of the hardest days of my life. However, prior to leaving Texas, God spoke some things to us.

Remember the minister I spoke of in my post? I told you that he played a vital role in our lives later. That minister is Bro. Scott Frierson. Just as his wife told me, we never saw him again prior to our daughter being born. We did not see him again until he preached for us in Texas after our daughter was born. During his time with us, my husband was going through one of the hardest trails of his life. Bro. Frierson came to visit and ministered to us in our time of need. During his visit, he prophesied that God had seen the desires of my husband’s heart, that it would be a boy, and that he would be called into the ministry.

I will be very transparent here and say that I denied that the prophecy was meant for us.

You have to understand that I was still hurting over my loss. I never wanted to feel that pain again. I never lost my faith. I believed God was faithful. I never once doubted it, but I wasn’t about to put my heart on the line again. I told my husband that those words were meant for my sister-in-law, who was pregnant at the time. Both he and the minister told me I was wrong. Yet, I stayed in denial.

When we moved back to Tennessee, I stayed in denial for a year. My nephew was born right before we left Texas. He was as cute as a button. I started feeling all those sensations of wanting a baby, but I was terrified. Then, in 2016, we found out we were pregnant. We waited a little bit and then we told his sister. Her first response was, “But I like being the lonely child!”


Fear set in. I was so scared of what would happen. I did my best to keep trusting. Every time I went to the doctor and heard the heartbeat, I would thank God immediately. Every movement I would feel, I would stop and thank the Lord. I fought fear every step of the way.

One day, around my sixth month, I started spotting. The fear I had been fighting started to creep back in. I went to the doctor, and they said everything was fine, but they placed me on bed rest.


If you have never been on bed rest, let me just tell you that it is for the birds, especially for someone as independent as myself. I had to let things go. I had to accept the way others washed my clothes or cleaned my house. Yet, I learned to accept those things because I wanted my child to be born. It was during this time that I began to accept God’s prophecy. I started letting go of the fear that was trying to control me and allow myself to trust the process.

After that episode, doctors’ visits became more frequent. I was going once a week to check in. They would do an ultrasound to check the baby’s position and heartbeat. On the last leg of the journey, in month eight, I was going twice a week. I would lay there reading my book, while they monitored the baby’s movements and heartbeats. It was the most peaceful sound in the world.

Finally, they scheduled a date. They chose the day before our anniversary. Oh, how I tried to get them to change their minds. A week earlier, perhaps? A week later? Nope, the day before. You know what? It was a good thing, too. The morning I woke to head to the hospital, I began having contractions. My husband, my mom, and the “Trey Day” tribe all walked with me into the hospital to be admitted for a c-section.

A healthy baby boy!

Little Man, as he is so lovingly called, was born to perfection. This time around things were much easier, and I was able to hold him before anyone else, other than his father. During the c-section, I was going to have my tubes tied. I was thirty-eight going on thirty-nine, and my body felt every moment of this pregnancy. I’m not sure how the women of old continued to keep having babies later in life, nor do I know how Sara, Abraham’s wife, did it as well. However, they were unable to complete it.

It wasn’t until a few months later that I learned why.

They scheduled me an appointment to see a specialist about tying my tubes. During the visit, as he was looking at my chart, he looked sightly confused. Finally, he spoke and shared that he was surprised I even had children. The doctor explained that one tube was severely mangled and the other was too short. There was no way he would be able to do the procedure. This was just more evidence that our children are both tangible miracles from God.

Recently, my son was sitting with his grandmother on the front pew as the power of God was sweeping through the service.  He started crying.  He looked over to his grandmother and said, “I have feelings.”  He was feeling God and couldn’t understand what was happening.  Once again, while in Texas ministering for some friends, I went to the stage to sing during the altar call for my husband.  I noticed a group of ladies gathering around my son.  After service, my son spoke up in the car and said, “Mom, you hurt my feelings.”  I was so confused.  I hadn’t said anything to him.  I asked him why he felt that way.  He said, “While you were singing that song about being hungry and thirsty, It made me cry.”  It was then that I realized how God had been dealing with him.  His dad and I explained that God was touching his heart.  I cannot wait to see what God has in store for him.

All of this to say, God is still faithful! He knew what my husband and I needed. He knew what He was doing, even during the hard times of losing a child. God is forever faithful! I cherish every moment I have with my two miracles.

Fear is a liar, and the quicker we learn that, the sooner we can learn to trust the One who “cast out ALL fear.”

Happy birthday, Little Man!

4 thoughts on “A Tangible Miracle 2”

  1. Pingback: A Tangible Miracle - Makin' Macon

  2. Pingback: The Pain of Unanswered Prayers - Makin' Macon

  3. I love this one too! He’s always had a piece of my heart. He’s always had the biggest and most beautiful smile I’ve ever seen in a baby. And it’s never changed. He loves everyone so much. And from time to time, loves on them to show them. I agree, I can’t wait to see what God has in store for him either!

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